Nick Weston examines a stalk of meadowsweet

A wild
food walk

STUART KIDMAN met wild food expert Nick Weston to learn about freely available ingredients to enhance campsite cooking

A wild food walk

Posted on 03 February 2017

Nick Weston bends to examine a fairly ordinary looking plant protruding from the dry earth. I’ve seen many like it and have noticed even more since. I guess that’s what happens when you go from being blissfully ignorant of something to knowing all about it – you realise how abundant it has been throughout your life yet how little attention you paid to it. Nick, a wild food expert, goes on to explain that it’s broadleaf plantain, a very common flowering plant that’s one of the most abundant medicinal crops in the world – and edible. Forget dock leaves, says Nick, broadleaf plantain is perhaps the best thing you can use to soothe nettle stings. Rubbing a poultice of plantain leaves on the affected area is a lot more effective.

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