Coventry AP

Coventry's worth
a peep, Tom

To tie in with his feature in the November issue, STEVE ADAMS looks at more reasons why it’s okay to be sent to Coventry

Coventry’s worth a peep, Tom

Posted on 06 November 2015

It turns out that being sent to Coventry (or indeed making the trip of your own volition) is not such a bad thing after all. The city famous for Lady Godiva (as well as Peeping Tom) is the 13th largest city in terms of population (about 305,000), and also one of the country’s fastest-growing tourist destinations. Numbers from VisitEngland show the number of people heading to Coventry as a holiday destination rose by 37.2 per cent from 113,000 a year between 2006-08 to 155,000 between 2011-13.

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