Must Have Camping Foods - The Camping and Caravanning Club
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The Ultimate List of Essential Foods to Take Camping

Food has the power to make or break your camping trip, so it’s well worth planning meals before you go to make sure you’ll have all the ingredients needed to cook up an easy but tasty meal. So, what are the best foods for camping? The answer, of course, depends on your tastes and what kind of camping trip you’re going on. Many of these suggestions are cupboard staples and quick-to-prepare foods which are ideal for making the most of your time while camping.

Fresh Foods | Dry Foods | Tinned Foods | Miscellaneous

Your kitchen set-up will determine the types of fresh foods you can take camping. If you’re not taking a fridge, there are still some fresh foods that will keep. A cool box is a good option if you do want to take fresh or meal-prepped options.

1. Bread


This could be anything from a freshly baked wholemeal loaf to a packet of flatbreads Anything versatile you can make a quick meal with is excellent to have on hand.

2. Eggs

If you’re not camping during a heatwave and the temperature is under 20°C, eggs are a great staple to have in stock. Boiled, fried, poached, scrambled, or incorporated into other recipes, eggs are a must. One large egg has 6 grams of protein, so they’re great fuel for breakfast on action-packed days.

3. Fruit

Any fruits you’d keep in a fruit bowl at home are great for taking camping too. Apples, pears, kiwis, and bananas are a few options.

4. Vegetables


Hardy vegetables like carrots, onions and peppers are great to have on hand for adding to dishes or simply cutting up for a healthy snack.

5. Potatoes

You can prep potatoes before leaving home, ready to warm up or cook on-site. Potatoes are incredibly versatile and provide much needed energy.

6. Cereal

If you want to keep cooking to a minimum, cereal is an easy, lightweight option for breakfast. Take a few options to mix things up if you’re going for a long trip.

7. Oats


Oats aren’t just a breakfast staple but a great addition to lots of recipes. Oats are a healthy, non-perishable fuel food to keep you full for a long time.

8. Pasta

Quick to cook, filling and versatile, pasta is a must have camping food. Pasta dishes are perfect for hungry campers looking for fast meals. Think dishes like macaroni cheese and pasta salad.

9. Rice

Another hunger buster, rice is ideal for one-pot dishes and adding alongside meat and veggies for a healthy but easy camping meal.

10. Packet rice and grains


Pre-cooked packets are brilliant if you’re not planning on cooking at all but still want healthy grains to add to dishes.

11. Noodles

Quick to cook or rehydrate with hot water, noodles can be an easy meal when you don’t feel like cooking.

12. Nuts and seeds

Full of healthy oils and satiating fats, nuts are a camping must. A healthy snacker won’t leave the campsite without a packet of nuts or seeds to satisfy a hungry stomach.

13. Crackers


Perfect for snacking and light lunches, crackers are the perfect carb for an on-the-go meal.

14. Rice cakes

Rice cakes are lightweight, filling, and great for spreading both sweet and savoury condiments on.

15. Tinned fish

If you haven’t got a fridge or cool box, tinned fish like tuna, salmon, and mackerel are great protein sources and can be added to endless dishes.

16. Beans

Baked beans cooking in a pot on a campsite

Whether it’s the baked, kidney or pinto variety, tinned beans are a staple. Add them into a cooked dish or use them cold in a pasta salad for an easy meal.

17. Tinned fruit

Fresh fruit won’t last long in warm weather, so tinned fruit can be a good substitute for camping trips.

18. Tinned vegetables

Again, tinned veggies are an alternative if you’re worried about fresh vegetables not lasting the length of your camping trip. You can get most vegetables tinned, such as carrots, peas, sweetcorn, and mushrooms which are all great to have on hand.

19. Soup


Tinned soup, along with baked beans, are one of those camping foods that’ll never go out of style.

20. Sauces

Sauce up your meals with a selection of condiments. You’ll have your favourites, but mustard, ketchup, brown sauce, soy sauce and barbeque sauce are great options. Pasta sauces and pesto are a tasty staple too.

21. Spreads

As well as sauces, spreads are a great way to add some flavour to bland meals. Accompany porridge or toast with your favourite variety of jam for a sweet treat. Peanut butter can be used in many recipes or spread on toast for a filling snack.

22. Oil


Unlike butter, oils will keep in all temperatures and come in handy for things like salads and to stop meals from sticking to pans.

23. Sugar

If you can’t enjoy a cup of tea without a spoon of sugar, make sure you don’t forget this one.

24. Spices

Camping doesn’t mean you have to eat bland food. Remember your salt and pepper and take any other spices you like, such as granulated garlic, smoked paprika and seasoning mixes.

25. Pancake mixes


Ideal for both breakfast and dessert, pancakes are filling, satisfying and fast to cook.

26. Drinks

If tea, coffee, or hot chocolate are a big part of your day, you won’t want to forget to pack some in with your food. Cordial and juice are other options but make sure you’re using reusable cups and bottles.

27. Long-life milk

If you’re not taking a cool box and won’t be able to buy fresh milk, some long-life or powdered milk can get you through your trip.

28. Marshmallows

Toasted Marsmallows

Is any camping trip complete without a sticky marshmallow toasted on the barbeque?

29. Biscuits

For sandwiching your toasted marshmallows between, of course!

30. Cake

For those with a sweet tooth, something like a fruitcake or individually packaged cakes will keep well.

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